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Welcome to the
free trial
On-line Shared Diary

You are just 2 simple steps from having the free trial access to an on-line diary, that can be used individually, or shared between colleagues and friends.

Step 1: Register

Select a username and password.

Step 2: Sharing

Select who can view your diary entries.

Why do we do the free trial?
The free trial diary has been used by thousands of users from all market sectors. The trial diary has all the features of the professional version. Trial users are only restricted by the number of diary events they can enter.
Vets, teachers, families, taxi drivers, health workers, etc etc are just some of the users of the diary.
Using the trial helps to prove how this diary is valued for its flexibility and ease of use. When ready, you can easily switch to our cost-effective chargeable service. Please contact Bluesoft for full details on the pricing.
Join the other 7000 users registered on the diary, by registering now.

We will NOT pass on any information stored in the on-line diary, or even view the data ourselves, except that which is unavoidable during development.