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  your OWN hub

The white labelled HUB for official searches

Local authority official searches online, for every council in England and Wales.

The Business Issue
Need to order official searches with your own company name on the returned searches?
Want to avoid HUB fees, use your own HUB and increase your margins?

your own hub

Use the HUB to operate your own ordering and fulfilment of official searches.
Once in place, the HUB can also be used for ordering only LLC1s, requesting building regs info etc.
The HUB will handle postal LAs (those Local Authorities requiring orders in the post/dx), email LAs (those only offering an electronic link using email), and HUB users (those who accept orders online, return them online as pdfs etc).

Information and Processes supported by the HUB:
These include:

  • Workflow alerts and admin page: uploading and status of searches.
  • LA (Local authority) methods out : post/dx, email, HUB
  • LA methods in: post/dx, email, HUB
  • LA processes: view new searches, accept/reject/question processes
  • Completing LLC1s online.
  • Generation of LLC1, con29R, cover letters.
  • Merging files
  • Sending search to client
  • LA payments: letters for LAs requiring cheque payment. Managing LAs who take debit cards and bacs transfers, and those offering monthly accounts.

The business case:
The cost of your own hub is based on a one-off white-labelling fee, plus monthly support, plus a small transaction fee per official search.
The business case will depend on your volumes. For example, to operate your own manual official searches service, you would manually produce LLC1s and CON29s, then write out cheques, scan documents in once complete etc. To deliver say 300 official searches per month you would have the main expense of two full time employees and you would have the issues of training, accuracy, searches being missed etc.
Your own white labelled HUB may provide some budget savings to your own manually operated official searches service. The main benefits, however, of the HUB include the enormous advantage of the automation and tracking, along with the scalability of the service.

Contact us now to price and implement your own HUB.
Adopt this easy to use, yet sophisticated, automated, scalable and integrated HUB to grow your business.

About Bluesoft
Bluesoft is an independent software consultancy, established in 1990, whose products are used widely in this market. Around a million properties have been processed through the Bluesoft websites and databases. These solutions have won many awards, including Europe’s premier software awards. Bluesoft products have been chosen by the BCS (British Computer Society) as CRM Winner and GIS Winner. The British Computer Society awards are the premier European recognition of excellence and innovation.


your OWN hub